You’ve done your first 5k and you’re feeling pretty pleased with yourself. That high will last a while, so why not capitalise on it and plan your next run. If you want to move up from a 5k to a 10k race eventually, then we have some great tips and tricks for you that will get you motivated to complete the 6.2-mile run. Read below for how to navigate the transition…
Keep running
It may come as no surprise to you, but the best thing to do is keep running! Plan to do between 2-3 runs a week when training for a 10k and slowly build up your mileage. Increased mileage should come first, work on endurance and then speed. It’s easy to think you should run as fast as you can but aim to slow down by at least 2-3 minute per mile on each training run.
When doing a training plan for your 10k, you can use different styles of running to increase speed, endurance and up your distance. For instance, do intervals on one session, do a quicker timed run and then a long slow run. All of these will help with your training and stand you in good stead for future training plans if you move to half marathons or marathons.
Use other exercise
Using other exercise is a great way of keeping your body moving even on those days when you’re not running. Walking, swimming or strength and conditioning workouts are all great ways to improve your stamina, keep your muscles strong and provide you with the tools to keep running. If you don’t want to commit to gym sessions or full classes, there are plenty of apps available on your phone or tablet with quick, free workouts.
Fuel up
In a 5k, you might not need to drink much water or eat anything, it’s over pretty quickly and you can normally get through it without the need. However, moving up to a 10k, might be a shock and so you’ll be best off working out what your body needs to get round. This might be a drink at 5k and then again around 8 or 9k. You may also need a boost of energy, so having some sweets or gel sachets to take at 5-6k will also help. This is all about trial and error though, so use the training runs to work out what you need and when.
Running 10k can seem like a big leap from 5k, but it is entirely possible and should be enjoyable! At Healthy Living, we want to support you live a healthy lifestyle so check out our other blogs to get more tips and tricks regarding fitness.