In a world that revolves around technology, it comes as no surprise that millions of years’ worth of human evolution is being affected before our eyes. After all, the majority of people do not carry out an active job that keeps them on their feet all day and this provides the perfect stomping ground for muscle imbalances to take control. In fact, rounded shoulders are one of the most common ailments that affect young adults and pensioners alike. Luckily, the team here at The Healthy Living and Fitness know how to correct and prevent rounded shoulders with the help of a few top tips. Read on to find out more information…
What causes rounded shoulders?
There are many different reasons why a person may develop rounded shoulders and the condition is more common than people realise. Research suggests that a lack of continuous motion which allows the muscles in the back and chest to develop an imbalance is often to blame and this is commonly caused by an office-based job where employees spend 8 hours a day hunched over a computer. In fact, technology plays a big role in the development of rounded shoulders and the condition can even be provoked by using a smartphone or playing video games for an extended number of hours as the posture adopted for both of these activities allows a muscle imbalance to develop.
Which muscles are to blame for rounded shoulders?
In order to tackle rounded shoulders, it is important that those afflicted with the condition understand which muscles are affected as there is a continuous tug-of-war between the muscles that pull the shoulders forwards and the muscles that pull them backwards. In fact, the muscles at the front of the chest such as the pectoral major/minor and upper trapezius are tight and need to be stretched in order to release the shoulder from this rounded position whereas the muscles in the back such as the mid/lower trapezius and rotator cuff are weak and need to be strengthened in order to encourage them to pull the shoulders backwards into a neutral spinal position.
What exercises can help fix rounded shoulders?
Whilst the science behind treating rotated shoulders sounds confusing to the average individual, there are a variety of simple yet effective exercises that can be carried out in order to stretch and strengthen the appropriate muscles. For example, placing the palms of the hands on an open-door frame and lunging forwards without arching the lower back will help stretch and open the front of the chest and standing against a wall and moving the arms from a ‘W’ position to an overhead position can engage the muscles in the upper back in order to strengthen them.
Whether you are glued to a games console or spend long hours behind the wheel of a heavy-goods vehicle, the fixture for rounded shoulders is exactly the same. After all, the muscle imbalance that causes the shoulders to be pulled forwards have to be corrected through stretching and strengthening exercises before any improvement will be noticeable. In addition to this, it is essential that the affected individual also makes improvements to their posture throughout the day so that the exercises are not carried out in vain. To find out more information, get in contact with a member of The Healthy Living and Fitness team today!