As soon as January 1st comes back around, fitness fanatics will gain that boost of energy and inspiration that will fuel them to purchase a gym membership to become more fit and healthy. While the resolutions stick with some, others last a month. And that’s okay! The gym isn’t for everyone for different reasons and we are here to help you set goals that you are comfortable with.
For the other 11 months of the year, we tend to wonder whether it’s worth going, making excuses not to go and it usually ends in forgetting we even had a membership in the first place. 2023 is not going to be a repeat of this cycle.
Why is it important to set health goals?
Setting goals for your health and well-being is a proven and effective way to increase motivation and allows you to get where you want to be in life. It’s also great for combatting physical and mental illnesses.
Here at Healthy Living and Fitness, we’re going to give you an insight into forming a fitness routine resolution you know you will stick to…
Choose: A common reason why we never stick to all of our resolutions is simply that there are too many! By creating an unrealistic list of goals, it can clash with your working and personal life, meaning there’s not enough time to commit to absolutely everything. It is more beneficial if you stick to a few and it will make it a lot easier to incorporate them into your daily life.
Plan: A resolution without a plan is just a dream. If we plan for our gym sessions, we are more likely to go to them. This doesn’t mean scheduling out each session for the next year, simply look at your activity for the next week and fit them in nicely.
An effective way to plan out your fitness goals is to pick a day and time when you can be consistent. Do what works best for you and your lifestyle, make sure you pick a start date and then stick to it or have a backup plan in case you are unable to fulfil your goal that day.
Check out our website for more blogs regarding healthy living and fitness tips, and make 2023 your year!