Showing 83 Result(s)

Summer Skin Tips

The weather may be erratic right now but that summer heat wave is going to hit us when we least expect it. It’s very easy to forget to take care of our skin in the summer. After all, winter dryness is a thing of the past. However, this doesn’t mean we get a pass when …

Health Benefits of Fruit Smoothies

Having a fruit smoothie is a very simple and easy way to provide your body with a bunch of nourishing vitamins and minerals. All they require is a blender, a base such as milk or yogurt and a complementary mixture of fruit. Here are a few benefits that can be found from a fruit smoothie… …

What effects does alcohol have on our body?

Different parts of your body are affected by alcohol in different ways. We’re going to tell you which organs can be affected and what symptoms you will get. Brain: Alcohol has an effect on the brain’s communication pathways, it can also have an affect the way the brain works and looks. These effects can change …

Health Hacks for 2017

It’s been a month since we made our new year’s resolutions and promised to commit to a goal for the year. Statistically, many people will commit to exercising more and eating better, however the average person will throw in the towel during the first week of February. Here are some health hacks to keep you …

Autumn Beauty Hacks

Despite the everchanging whether which is unable to decide if it’s raining or not, Autumn is pretty much in full swing. The days are becoming shorter, the nights are colder and the mornings are darker. Let’s face it, the heating has been switched on since the first day you opened your curtains at 7am to …

Autumn Foods to Fall for

The season for brightly coloured berries, pictures of fresh salads and fruit dishes are behind us for another year and despite the haphazard weather, it’s time to start thinking about the fast approaching autumn season. Autumn is the season of deep green, dark yellow and bright orange foods. The fruits and vegetables which fall into …

Great Fruits and Veggies For Summer!

Okay so we may a little ahead of ourselves but we just love the sun! As soon as the weather gets that little bit warmer and we have to put our shades on when we pop out for our lunch, we get a lil’ giddy. Shorts and tee shirt weather is a while off yet, …

Mummy Tummies: Don’t (Over) Sweat It!

We’ve all seen photos in newspapers and magazines of celebrities who snapped right back to their pre-pregnancy size after giving birth. Victoria Beckham, Billie Faiers, Katie Price… Or did they? They were probably wearing Spanx underneath each of their carefully chosen outfits, prepped and primed ready for that postnatal £1million photo shoot in that glossy …

Ten Quickfire Health Tips!

  Do as many sit ups as you can manage each night whilst waiting for your television programme to come on. Sit up straight, watch your posture. Drink eight glasses of water a day and always have a bottle of water in your bag during the day. Stand up and stretch during work hours or …