Showing 37 Result(s)

The Importance of Stretching

With sedentary jobs on the rise, stretching is only becoming more and more important. After all, our muscles have to be challenged in more than one way in order to keep them working effectively. In fact, there are many reasons why stretching should be implemented into your daily routine and the team here at The …

Top Tips for Beginner Yogis

As a physical and spiritual practice that originates from ancient India, yoga is something that can be practiced by anyone and everyone. With this said, it is natural to feel overwhelmed when you are a beginner. Here at The Healthy Living and Fitness, we want to ensure that all of our readers feel comfortable starting …

The Benefits of the Gym

The majority of people who decide to visit the gym do so with weight loss as their aim. After all, there are dozens machines on offer that can help you get in shape for a small monthly fee. With this said, there are many other benefits that the gym can offer besides controlling the waistline …

The Myths About Working Out

The fitness industry is one of the most expensive and profitable markets that is available and that means that many people will try to take advantage of those who are easily deceived or are unable to separate fact from fiction. Here at The Healthy Living and Fitness we want to help our readers make wise …

The Best Sports to Accelerate Weight Loss

When working out it’s so important that you’re enjoying yourself! Some exercises are better for you than others, and can help you achieve weight-loss quicker. When exercising you need to consider your heart rate, and how much effort you are putting into the workout. To lose around a pound a week, you must be burning …

Running Myths

At one point or another, people begin to assume that they are experts at something just because they have tried it out a few times and whilst this demonstrates a brilliant passion for a particular activity, it often leads to the spreading of false information, giving way for a variety of different myths to form. …

Exercise for Your Abs

The stomach is one the most difficult places to shed excess pounds because it cannot be individual targeted and weight is only lost gradually as the whole body slims down. Unfortunately, this also means that the stomach becomes the part of the body that everyone wants to flatten. While it is impossible to drop all …