Showing 9 Result(s)

How Exercise and Your Skin Go Hand in Hand

There are a variety of benefits to hitting the gym or taking part in a home workout such as weight loss, muscle tone and mental clarity. What most people do not know, however is that exercise can also have a positive impact on your skin and prevent excessive breakouts from occurring. Here at The Healthy …

The Lowdown on Dehydrated Skin

At some point or another, every person will suffer from a variation of skin irritation. After all, it is important that we pay attention to what our skin is telling us in order to alter our routine accordingly. With this in mind, there are many different skin types and this means that finding the perfect …

Staying Safe in the Summer Heat

The annual heatwave might be in full swing but our lack of experience with soaring temperatures means that the people of the UK have to make a particular effort to ensure that they don’t develop heatstroke. After all, too much sun isn’t good for you! Here at The Healthy Living and Fitness we want our …

Make Up For Each Skin Type

Since there is more than one type of skin it is important that the products on the market are varied. Of course, this is easier said than done and finding a suitable cosmetic can be a case of trial and error over a long period of time. Luckily the team here at The Healthy Living …

How to Treat Dry Skin

With winter approaching it is time to get prepared for the dry skin that will wreak havoc upon our lives. After all, the chill of the season is dreadfully bad for us and takes as much moisture as it can from our skin; leaving it coarse, rough and unimaginably dry. Luckily there are a few …

Tips for Super Soft Skin

Taking care of our skin is something that we all neglect to do at some point of out life. Whether its summer or winter, it is vital that we employ the necessary measures in order to maintain healthy and soft skin. In this blog, the team at The Healthy Living and Fitness are going to …


Did you know that 1 in 39 men who are diagnosed with prostate cancer will die? In fact, in 2016 alone, there have been 26,120 reported deaths. These statistics are shocking. Movember is an annual event which takes place during the month of November every year. It hopes to raise awareness about the different cancers …

What does your skincare routine look like?

Looking after your skin is just as important as showering in the morning or protecting your hair from style damage…yet many people admit their skincare routine is practically non-existent. They will shun the moisturiser but opt for the heat protection spray whilst spending day in day out wondering why their skin doesn’t look like everyone …

Cleaning Your Makeup Brushes

You can have a great skincare routine, but did you know you can undo all your diligent work with grimy makeup brushes? Makeup brushes pick up all sorts of dust whilst they’re sitting on your dressing table, as well as all the dead skin cells from your face and neck, oils, bacteria and old makeup …