Showing 56 Result(s)

A Briefing on Macronutrients

Many people approach dieting with the incorrect mindset which means that they can be easily warped into starting fad diets that are not sustainable for the long term. On the other hand, your macronutrients play a very big part in maintaining a healthy diet but very few understand what they are and how they should …

How To Keep Your Nails Healthy

When you lead an unhealthy lifestyle that does not benefit your body, the effects can be seen in your skin, hair and nails. After all, the saying ‘we are what we eat’ rings true more than we like to think. Luckily there are a few changes that you can make in order to ensure that …

Sticking to New Year Health Resolutions

A large percentage of people will make a health and fitness related new years resolution however over half of these will fail to stick to it for more than a single month. Unfortunately it is far too easy to fall back into the same old routine and redevelop the habits we attempted to get rid …

Staying Healthy Over Winter

Winter can be a harsh season which is why it is important to ensure that we do everything we can in order to stay healthy. In fact, most of the things we need to implement are fairly simple and do not require a lot of effort. With this said, it can be extremely difficult to …

Exercise for Your Abs

The stomach is one the most difficult places to shed excess pounds because it cannot be individual targeted and weight is only lost gradually as the whole body slims down. Unfortunately, this also means that the stomach becomes the part of the body that everyone wants to flatten. While it is impossible to drop all …

Top Tips for Quitting Smoking

Smoking can be one of the hardest and nastiest habits to break, however the people who manage to overcome the battle, whether it seemingly happen overnight or over a prolonged period of inner strength, all say the same thing; it was worth it. Here at The Healthy Living and Fitness, we’ve put together our top …

What Happens After You Quit Smoking

Smoking is no doubt one of the hardest habits to break. It is addictive and highly damaging to every part of the body. Despite this, did you know that just 20 minutes after quitting, your body begins to recover from the effects of long term smoking habits? This means that when you have your next …


Did you know that 1 in 39 men who are diagnosed with prostate cancer will die? In fact, in 2016 alone, there have been 26,120 reported deaths. These statistics are shocking. Movember is an annual event which takes place during the month of November every year. It hopes to raise awareness about the different cancers …

Healthy Halloween Treats

Halloween is currently creeping closer which means cold nights, scary movies and lots of candy! Despite it being socially acceptable to allow the kids to overdose on sugar for the day, us adults must awaken our inner willpower and stay strong! Here are 5 healthy Halloween treats perfect to shift the cravings…