Showing 38 Result(s)

The best breakfast food when exercising

They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and that statement is even truer when you are trying to get in shape. If you’re going to be working out then you need to fuel your body to be able to deal with the exertion. To do this, you need to make sure …

Running your first 5K

Is quarantine starting to inspire you to take that leap and get involved in all these 5K challenges that are floating about on social media lately? Being shut in the house can make people do some crazy things, and it seems more and more people are getting the running bug. If you’re thinking of heading …

The Health Benefits of Curry Powder

As a staple of Indian cuisine, curry powder is a mixture of spices like turmeric, coriander seeds, dried chillies, curry leaves, cardamom, nutmeg and peppercorns. In fact, it originates from the Indian Subcontinent and is used in a wide range of traditional dishes in order to give them an authentic and recognisable taste. With this …

3 Ways to Incorporate Turmeric into a Diet

Although the internet is inundated with a variety of bogus ‘health trends’ that boast unrealistic results, it is true that turmeric is an incredibly beneficial spice that should be implemented into one’s diet in one way or another. After all, it contains an active compound known as curcumin that has been shown to reduce the …

The Different Types of Athletic Trainers

Exercise is difficult to define because it can be undertaken in a variety of different ways. After all, some people prefer the convenience of a gym whilst others like to partake in a particular sport in order to make the whole experience more enjoyable. With this said, people tend to underestimate the dangers of taking …

The Health Benefits of Anthracite

Here at The Healthy Living and Fitness, we want our readers to recognise the importance of lung health and how bad habits like smoking can lead to serious problems later in life. With this said, the quality of our air continues to decline each year due to the industrial combustion of fuels like coal. In …

3 Misconceptions About Exercise

Here at The Healthy Living and Fitness, we know how difficult it can be to change habits that have become a part of an individual’s lifestyle. After all, statistics suggest that around 38% of adults want to lose weight. With this said, many people approach a diet the wrong way and presume that exercise is …

5 Bodyweight Exercises for Beginners

The prospect of exercising can be daunting for beginners and the atmosphere of a gym is often just as intimidating as a neighbourhood run. Luckily, it is entirely possible to obtain an effective workout from a range of bodyweight exercises that can be carried out in the comfort of one’s own home! Read on as …

The Characteristics of Running Trainers

As one of the most popular forms of exercise, running is a sport that can be carried out by anybody regardless of age or gender. With this said, a lack of form and equipment can lead to avoidable injuries that may set back months of progress in an instant. Here at The Healthy Living and …

A Simple Guide to Pronation

At a first glance, running seems like an incredibly simple sport. After all, there are only a few basic tools that are required in order to obtain the most effective results at the end of a work-out. With this said, footwear can make or break an individual’s running experience which is why it is vital …