Showing 173 Result(s)

Exercise for the Elderly

Obviously we all know the health benefits of exercise and keeping active but when it comes to the elderly they need to be careful, purely because they’re older and their joints aren’t as supple as they used to be. The thing is though, they really do need to keep moving for lots of reasons and …

Cleaning Your Makeup Brushes

You can have a great skincare routine, but did you know you can undo all your diligent work with grimy makeup brushes? Makeup brushes pick up all sorts of dust whilst they’re sitting on your dressing table, as well as all the dead skin cells from your face and neck, oils, bacteria and old makeup …

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! Hopefully you’ve had a well-deserved break and some lovely lie ins? Now though it’s time, if you haven’t already, to get moving and starting afresh for the New Year. We’re not going to tell you to make changes to your diet, we’re not going to tell you to throw out all …

Keeping Kids Healthy

It’s not always easy to get kids to exercise and keep busy, especially in this day and age where computer games seem to reign supreme. The best way to get kids moving and looking after their bodies is to make it fun. Putting music on, timing them, chasing them, laughing with them  and making it …

Keeping Healthy in Winter

Winter is the time when colds, coughs and all sorts of minor ailments kick in. It’s awful outside; howling wind, rain and freezing temperatures. It’s easy to want to stay indoors and eat comfort food like stodgy pasta, mash potatoes, pies and pastries and glug on hot chocolate which is why people tend to put …

Super Sandwiches!

Love sandwiches? Bread can be bad for you, especially white bread or those breads with lots of sugar added. Wholemeal is better, whether it be standard bread, pitta or wrap. But what about the filling? Start down that slippery slope of mayonnaise, and you might as well have had that additive packed white bread. Lemon …

Sneaky Salad Dressings!

Who has fallen into the trap of ordering a salad thinking it’s the healthier option but then lashing loads of creamy dressing on top? Some of us might have even thought it would be better to avoid the creamy stuff and stick to oils or lighter dressings, thinking that’s going to be the healthy way …

Protein Power! Snacks For a Boost

Protein! It saves us from that horrible mid afternoon slump where we start thinking about doing a quick scoot to the vending machine. It’s easy to turn to sweets, chocolate and sugary drinks when we need a little pick-me-up especially when we’re at work or juggling kids with a busy errand schedule, but the best …

Easy Exercise!

Do you dread the idea of working out, building up a sweat, aching and being stiff the next day? Do you think you haven’t got time to work out because you’re juggling children and a job and housework and a partner and hobbies? Do you say to yourself that you’ll never keep up with a …